Friday, December 23, 2016

Snowglobe Writing and Polar Express Fun!

We have had a busy and exciting week wrapping up our units and getting ready for the Holidays!

This week, our writing focused on our snow globe writing. The class was given the prompt, "If I were trapped in a snow globe..."
I asked them to use their creativity and imaginations to figure out what they could be doing in their snow globe and how they could get out. I must say, I have some pretty PHENOMENAL creative thinkers in this class. Or maybe it was our awesome fireplace with instrumental holiday music that helped spark our creativity. Either way, they came up with some awesome stories! Next time you are at Dickinson, head towards the 3rd grade hallway and you can read your child's writing and see their poses in their very own snow globe!

Today, we began our day with some festive doughnuts while working on creating our gingerbread glyphs! We got to hear The Polar Express read by Mr. Smith, the man who did the Polar Express for years at the National Railroad Museum. Our movie watching was the best part of the day. We snuggled up with our PJS, mugs, and cookies and enjoyed each other's company.

From our class to your family, we WISH you a VERY wonderful Holiday season and a relaxing break!
See you in 2017!

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