Friday, September 23, 2016

Module 1 Wrap Up!

To wrap up our first math unit, we had a group project today in which we built our gallon person. 

The link above is a story we watched about the Kingdom of Gallon to further practice our capacity amounts.

Here are our groups in action! The class did a phenomenal job practicing teamwork and cooperation. They made sure they had a plan and that every member had a role in order to get their person finished in the allotted time frame. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The NED Show

Today NED came to visit! NED stands for 

Please ask your child what they learned from NED tonight!

You can return the NED show yoyo purchase form to school. On Monday, sales will happen after school, if you are interested in purchasing one for your child. The profits help to pay it forward so another school gets the message from NED!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Story Problem Strategy!

Try out this strategy at home to attack story problems. It can be super tricky to figure out what is important in a story problem, but this strategy helps to highlight the important information!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Building Our Reading Stamina

We have been working very hard practicing our reading behaviors. Our goal as 3rd graders is to be able to read for 30 minutes of uninterrupted time. The 6 reading behaviors came home on the first reading unit parent sheet (yellow sheet). We are up to about 20 minutes of focused reading right now! We are also learning how to think about our reading so we understand it better. Ask your child what they wrote as their reading goal for this year.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Chromebook Fun!

Today we began our Geography unit! The class began by exploring Brain Pop on our 3rd grade curricular links site. They watched a video about the continents and took a quiz on their own chromebook or with a partner. They also tried out a fun game called GEOspy and practiced locating the continents. 

Friday, September 2, 2016

Day 2 Activities!

We had another extraordinary day in 3rd grade!
We began the day by doing a people scavenger hunt. This helped the class to get to know many fun facts about one another. 

We then discussed what it truly means to FOLLOW THE REDBIRD WAY. 
Each student walked around the room to our 4 posters of being respectful, responsible, caring, and safe. They had a pack of sticky notes with them that they wrote down ways to follow those 4 rules. 
We looked at all 4 posters full of ideas as a class and then formed our class rules!

Another fun activity today was tracing our funny faces. They picked everything from face to eyes, hair, and bodies to trace. Next week we will be creating a poem to along with our funny faces!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

First Day of School Fun!

Wow did today fly by!

I'm sure your child came home tired, but I also hope they came home with much to share about our day!

We began our day with our toothpaste activity. Yes, you heard that right, toothpaste. The students were asked to squeeze out the toothpaste from their tube while sharing unkind things others have said to them or they have said to others. Then, they were challenged to put the toothpast back into the tube JUST as it was given to them. The class quickly realized that this was not going to happen. We discussed how no matter how many times you say, "I'm sorry" or "I didn't mean it" your words still remain with the other person. Your words can never be unsaid. We are going to refrain in our classroom this year from using "toothpaste" words.

We also talked at length today about how coming into 3rd grade we want to have a growth mindset. We are going to focus on never giving up and figuring things out because there is always a solution. Check out this link for some growth mindset videos.
Growth Mindset videos

We even saved Sam! Not the Sam in our class, but our gummie worm. We discussed the word PERSEVERANCE today and what that means. They demonstrated their perseverance by saving sam without being able to touch him with their hands. The link below details the activity!
Saving Sam Activity

Below are some pictures of the class working hard with our perseverance activity!