Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Deciduous or Coniferous?

If you ask your child that question tonight, I guarantee that they will be able to tell you what kind of trees in your neighborhood are coniferous trees and what kind of trees are deciduous trees!

-triangle shape
-produce cones

-lollipop shape
-have leaves (simple or complex)
-lose their leaves every year
-have flowers or fruit

We ventured around our school grounds to check out our local trees. This was a great introduction to our first science unit of the year!

***FUN FACT: St. Norbert College's campus has every tree native to Wisconsin :)

Thursday, October 26, 2017


We worked on our PERSEVERANCE today with coding! The class logged into our code.org curriculum and had to work hard to accomplish tasks! I think we have some future coders on our hands!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

It was wonderful to have all of your children's special guests at school today. It is definitely cool to see how proud they are to show their special people around our room and different activities that we do in class. For those of you that were unable to make it, I threw together some of their song clips for your enjoyment!