Wednesday, February 15, 2017

3rd Grade Authors!

We have been hard at work publishing our books. Each student is making their very own version of a book called, Can I have a Stegosaurus, Mom? Can I? Please?

 We began this writing project by brainstorming an animal that they could ask to have as a pet. I told them they could use their imaginations, but they had to find at least 3 good reasons as to WHY they would want to have it as a pet. They needed to remember to keep their audience in mind because their goal is to try to convince Mom that they really should get this animal for a pet!

I really have some creative writers on my hands!

Take a look at the illustrating process we are wrapping up this week:

Friday, February 10, 2017

Board Game Fun!

Check out our awesome cooperation during our board game afternoon! The class had a blast! Some even tried out a new game! It was a wonderful way to spend the end of our Friday! It was so cool to see the kids become teachers of their game and learn how to compromise and take turns. 

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Happy 100th Day of School!

WOW! Time sure does fly! It is already our 100th day of school! We had a ton of fun celebrating today.
We began the day by writing 100 words that we know. Then the class had an opinion piece about if they would rather have 100 pancakes or 100 cupcakes. Ask your child to share with your their opinion piece!
During math, we completed our module 7 tests to show that we are 100 days smarter! And after that they had an odd/even coloring page that revealed the number 100!
We had an AWESOME snack today brought in by Craig's mom that involved donuts because "Donut" you know it is the 100th day of school? :)
We wrapped up our day this afternoon with a bucket list. The class had to think of 10 things that they would want to accomplish before they are 100 years old. We have some great aspirations in our class. These included to become the first woman president, to be on ESPN, to own a mansion, to go to college, to join the NFL, to go sky diving, and even to become a teacher! To go along with their very own bucket list, each student drew a picture of themselves as a 100 year old. We added some cotton ball hair to make it truly authentic. ;) 

Stop by to check out their top 10 before they turn 100 hanging above their lockers!