Thursday, May 25, 2017

Heritage Hill Field Trip

What a beautiful day we had!
We had so much fun walking around and learning about what life was like in the colonial days in our area. 
We began our day in the Growing Community. This consisted of a stop at the Fire and Hose Co. Followed by a visit to the print shop. Then we went to see the Blacksmith. After that, we went to the La Baye area. Here we went to the court house. The class got to help act out a trial. Then we were off to the Belgian Farm! We fed some animals, saw the summer kitchen and outhouse, and even got a tour of a farm house.
After lunch we we to the Fort Horward area. Here we saw the fort and the soldier's quarters. We also spent some time in a colonial school. We wrapped up our day at the hospital.

We saw some cool places today! I hope your child came home with much to share!

Below is a video of the court case the class acted out along with some pictures from our day!

 Print Shop Photos

The Blacksmith Shop

The Courthouse

The Belgian Farm

This photo is the whole class standing inside the outhouse!! 

Fort Howard

The School House
"Straight spines make alert minds!"

Last stop: The hospital

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Final Persuasive Writing Project

We are in the middle of our Colonial America Unit. The class has read about the 13 different colonies and picked which colony they wanted to read more about. They divided into groups and are now beginning their research. Their goal is to persuade a new settler why they should choose their colony. They are going to be creating an end product of a poster, much like my sample below!