Friday, March 27, 2015

Balance a Checkbook? No problem!

Today we had our third Junior Achievement lesson. The class is amazing me with how much they know about forms of money and how banks work! Today they learned how to balance their checkbook. After hearing some of their comments like: "Oh man, I only have $100 left!" I think they have more appreciation for you and the money you spend on a daily basis!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Are You Convinced?

I am sharing a link to our folder which has each student in our class sharing their opinion speech. Take a look and listen to all of their hard work!

Miss Buss's 3rd Grade Opinion Speeches

On Friday we were also the proud owners of the Lombardi Trophy. This trophy is traveling from room to room before the Knowledg-a-thon and we were so excited to have it in our room on Friday. We did a little extra practice of our weekly questions! Make sure you are reviewing those at home! Our test date is March 17th!

Monday was another exciting day! We were celebrating Dr. Seuss. We had drop everything and read at the end of the day! We were able to read some of our favorite Dr. Seuss books. Take a look below at the class enjoying their DEAR time and also wearing their crazy hats and socks!