Our geology field trip is on Tuesday October 28. Field trip permission forms were sent home last week for this field trip. We will be visiting Bay Shore Park, Wequiock Falls County Park, and a Daanen-Janssen Quarry.
The quarry requires a waiver to be filled out for each student. This did not go home Friday, but went home today. Please fill this out also and send it back. There is a child and adult form. The adult form only needs to be filled out if you plan to chaperone.
Also, I wanted to write a quick note to clarify who can chaperone. We can take as many chaperones as we want on this field trip, but we only have room for 2 on the bus. Other parents can chaperone, but they will need to drive their own cars and follow the bus. Please indicate if you would like to chaperone on the permission slip. I will draw the parents who we be able to ride the bus out of a hat later this week.
All permission slips and waiver forms need to be back to school ASAP but no later than October 23. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Thank You... I think I am going to find this very useful!