I can hardly believe that it is already the end of our second week in November! We are loving our math unit. The class is working hard on representing 4-digit numbers. Even though this may seem like a very basic concept, we are building a strong foundation to help us when we move onto concepts such as adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers with regrouping.

We have also added another new fun component to our word study time. In addition to sorting and practice, the class now has spelling city available to them to play interactive games with their sort words and even take a practice test!
To get to spelling city at home:
1.) Go on the Dickinson home page
2.) Click on for students
3.) Go to the 3rd grade page
4.) Click the image that says Spelling City
5.) Find your list and click play a game!

With our informational reading unit, we have been focusing heavily on locating the main idea sentence and finding the detail sentences that go along with it. We are also noticing text structures of informational books (cause and effect, compare and contrast, descriptive, and sequential). We are working in our reading groups on these concepts with our National Geographic magazines. On days when your child's group is not meeting with me, they have an assignment to do on Core Clicks. The class is loving our Core Clicks stories that have activities built in to test their comprehension and knowledge of informational texts. There are interactive activities and skill videos to keep them engaged and learning!